"I am that merry wanderer of the night"
- A Midsummer Nights Dream
Luciferase is the enzyme which is used by fire flies to glow. It uses the substrate luciferin for this oxidative process. The reaction is as seen below:
University of Wisconsin, Dana Nystrom, http://people.uwec.edu/nystrodl/chem.htm |
So what are the advantages to using Luciferase versus traditional practices?
- highly sensitive only 1 x10^5 luciferase molecules needed for detection.
- little background noise
- non toxic
- *cheap and easy to use
Here are three journal summaries which relate to research using luciferase:
Bifunctional Antibody-Renilla Luciferase Fusion Protein for In Vivo Optical Detection of Tumors
Bifunctional Antibody-Renilla Luciferase Fusion Protein for In Vivo Optical Detection of Tumors
by Katy M.Venisnik, Tove Olafsen, Andreas M.Loening, Meera Iyer, Sanjiv S.Gambhir and Anna M.Wu1,
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Renilla Luciferase (R-Luc) produces light upon mechanical stimulation. In this study R-Luc is fused to an antibody for cancer cells. The antibody used is Carinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was because it is highly expressed in colon cancer and is a surface marker. Fusion protein was tested for for binding to cancer cells through flow cytometry. The fusion protein was tested for expression and stability using bacterial periplasmic secretions and stability was improved by mutagenesis.
The protein was injected into a mouse under anesthesia, through the tail and PET and Optical imaging was used to capture the light emitted and the target tumor. The result was is as shown in the below picture:
This experiment allows for R-Luc to be fused to other known disease antibodies. With this kind of information, specialized treatment can be developed, and more about the disease can be known. The advantages of this method are decreased background signaling resulting in higher sensitivity and more specificity. Extracellular targets as well as intracellular targets are in clinical studies.
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Renilla Luciferase (R-Luc) produces light upon mechanical stimulation. In this study R-Luc is fused to an antibody for cancer cells. The antibody used is Carinoembryonic antigen (CEA) was because it is highly expressed in colon cancer and is a surface marker. Fusion protein was tested for for binding to cancer cells through flow cytometry. The fusion protein was tested for expression and stability using bacterial periplasmic secretions and stability was improved by mutagenesis.
The protein was injected into a mouse under anesthesia, through the tail and PET and Optical imaging was used to capture the light emitted and the target tumor. The result was is as shown in the below picture:
This experiment allows for R-Luc to be fused to other known disease antibodies. With this kind of information, specialized treatment can be developed, and more about the disease can be known. The advantages of this method are decreased background signaling resulting in higher sensitivity and more specificity. Extracellular targets as well as intracellular targets are in clinical studies.
Development of Functional Genomic Tools in Trematodes: RNA Interference and Luciferase Reporter Gene Activity in Fasciola hepatica
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RNAi is a potential way to treat many disease causing parasites because it targets mRNA. This interferes with protein production. In this article, researchers used reverse genetic tools. The parasitic F.hepatica was electroporated with mRNA of Luciferase. Once the activity of Luciferase was confirmed the researchers electroporated the parasites again with dsRNA. If there was a RNAi pathway the luciferase activity would be silenced. With this method, gene function investigations can be enhanced in Fasciola parasites. Specific targets can also be investigated. This also shows a new path for genetic manipulation using RNAi and less known trematodes can be studied further.
Phase-Specific Circadian Clock Regulatory Elements in Arabidopsis
Todd P. Michael and C. Robertson McClung
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In this experiment, arabidopsis was transformed with Luciferase to study the Circadian biological clock. That is in plants, stoma opening and leaf movements are dependent on the biological clocks. The transformed arabidopsis were exposed to environmental conditions such as temperature and light/no light. Luciferase activity was then measured to help determine the activity of the plant. The experiment also included variations of the promoter region to determine which ones were important for circadian rhythms. They also were able to figure out which regions dealt with morning rhythms versus night rhythms. These rhythms were found to be most important on the transcriptional level.
The figure below is not from the journal but it was one of the earlier transformed tobacco plants with Luciferase:
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http://www.clt.astate.edu/mhuss/lecture_notes_set_no__5.htm |
Well done, Samantha.